Thursday, July 5, 2012

Olympic Adventure- Day 1

I woke up this morning struck by an incredible irony. Exactly 20 years this summer, I was between my Junior and Senior year as an undergraduate, and traveling through Africa with my best friend and her family. It was an amazing and life changing experience. Since that time I have been blessed with the ability to see a lot of the world.

Today, we are sitting in the Atlanta Airport awaiting a flight to London. I am teaching a study abroad course on the Sports, History, and Administration in the London Olympics. I will be leading 20 undergraduates on a 4 week trip to London. (Yes, I will be seeing some of the Olympic Games as well.)

My goal for this trip is two fold: first to share my passion for exercise physiology with the next generation, second to share my passion for international travel with a group that for the most part have not been out of the United States. The student becomes the teacher.

This blog will chronicle my/our adventure. Wish us luck. And thanks to the DeNaults for launching one of my passions.

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